Thursday, January 08, 2009

A New Beginning 2009

A lot has happened over the last 2 months since I posted last... Okay give me some credit at least it's not been 6 months. I guess i'll start with Owen... he is getting SOOOOO BIG! I was hoping he would slow down a bit on the height but that's not the case. Here is some info:

He wears a 4T, shoe size 10.5 Wide, loves trains, apples, bananas, elephants and so much more. There is so much more but i'm on a break so I dont have hours to tell everything!

Kyle is doing great he's just working a lot. He's home every couple of days then he's back at it. I'm working a lot as well and we are really looking forward to 2009! It's hard to believe Owen will be 3 in July! Kyle and I are going on vacation in February for our anniversary and we are looking forward to the alone time ;) But that's enough about us here is what you really want... PICTURES!

Sunday, October 12, 2008

The Last 10 Months

So I know i'm the worst blogger but i'm gonna try and that's all you can ask for. Well the last post on here was from Christmas 07 and since Christmas 08 is in 2 months i'll keep it short and sweet.
For those who don't know I took an amazing sales job with Ashland in Jan 08 and moved back to Ohio for some training. Kyle stayed in DC and joined me in June. In April I found out that I was being transferred to Houston, TX and thank God Kyle could follow me here with the Coast Guard. So in June we packed up, well the moving company packed up, we just took a car and made the trip from DC to Ohio to Texas. It was actually a blast. We stopped in Memphis and spent some time with our friends Chris and Salethia, Chris was in the last post, and made our way down to Houston.

When we arrived in Houston we were on the hunt for a home. We had the worst luck BUT finally we found a place to call home. Luck was not on our side since the moving company did not show up for 3.5 weeks so Kyle and I slept on a blow up mattress and we borrowed a crib from the landlord. He was nice enough to give us a tv and dvd player. Needless to say we made the best of the situation.

I am super busy with work and building my territory. I had 63 accounts handed over to me last week and this upcoming week I will be making turnover calls with the other sellers. I have traveled to New Orleans twice in the last 2 weeks and had a BLAST there. I went to the Saints vs Vikings game and then Bourbon Street. Other than a little bit of fun I have been putting in a lot of hours making sure the transition goes smoothly.
Fast forward about a month and Owen turned 2! Yes he's getting to be so big! Unfortunately I'm behind on his 2-year-old doctors appointment BUT he is the same height as all the 4-year-olds in the neighborhood, church and public. He's still doesn't like to talk much but we know exactly what he's saying. His favorite thing now is trains and elephants. He loves to make animal sounds and LOVES M&M's. He is ALL boy ALL the time! The down note is he learned how to climb out of his crib. So some nights after he's in bed all of a sudden we will hear this loud thud and it's Owen climbing out of his crib to come find mommy. He is a big momma's boy which I just love!

We survived Ike pretty well. Lost the fence, shed, 2 trees and had some water damage in the front entry way. The hardwood floors have to be replaced but we were REALLY lucky! Unfortunately that was not the case for most of our town. It was hit pretty hard. We evacuated on Wednesday because we had a mandatory evacuation. We went to Tomball and stayed with a couple we met on our honeymoon! They were so helpful especially since Kyle had to go back to work and he was gone for weeks! I stayed there for 6 days then made the trip back home. We didn't have electricity but I needed to get Owen back home and start the week long clean up. The storm was a month ago and we still have piles of debris stacked out in the front yard waiting for the clean-up crew. So hopefully by Christmas it will be gone!

Kyle's job has obviously gotten busier. He has been busy doing search and recovery missions for all the 100 people who decided to stand out the storm. That was a poor decision on there parts so now he's working triple what he would normally. He's tired but he will have a break come Thanksgiving when we head home.

Kyle and I had a date day yesterday! We went to Aggieland for the Kansas State game. Although the Aggies lost we still had a blast. We went with a friend of Kyle's from the corps mom who has season tickets. So we spent the morning in the dorms with D-2 and the afternoon at the game then went to Ninfa's for Margarita's and dinner!

Basically it's just all been AWESOME! We are looking forward to October. My parents are coming from the 22nd to the 28th so Kyle and I will get another date night! I know they are dying to see Owen. We love everything that is happening now and life couldn't be better. Well I guess it could be a little less busy ;)

For my notes on Owen's loves:
  • Thomas the Train
  • Elephants
  • Miss Spider
  • Cars
  • M&M's
  • Peas
  • Cereal
  • Ice Cream
  • French Fries
  • Chicken Nuggets
  • Milk

Sunday, January 20, 2008

New York City

Charlotte came to visit us and one day we decided, wouldn't it be fun to go to New York for the day? So we did and it was awesome. I found a willing babysitter and Charlotte and I left at 2:20am to catch the 4am Chinatown bus to take us to New York City. We got there at 8am had a snack and Starbucks and started our day! We did everything from shopping at stores we couldn't afford to wearing jewelry we could never but and eating fabulously! We got to see Kyle and I friend from St. Lucia, Chris, for lunch! He was there on business! We left New York at 10:30pm and got back to DC at 4am! We were very tired and even more broke! BUT it was soooooo worth it!


Christmas was such a blast for us! Owen loved ripping presents and playing with his toys. It took 2 days to open all the gifts!!! Kyle and I had a nice time together. Things got very busy after the holidays. I had a job interview with Ashland Distribution Company for a sales position and I got the job!!! So exciting!! The only down side is the job starts on the 21st of Janurary so I've been really busy moving and getting things set up to start. I will be in Columbus until March 1st than moving to Louisville, KY! I'm so excited about that since that's where my family is, lots of babysitters! Kyle will move in June at the latest so we are treating this as a deployment ;) We are very excited about this!

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Waiting for Christmas

Owen loved driving the car... Little did we know when we had to put him in the car seat it would be World War 3. He did not like being taken out of the drivers seat. It was funny he pulled the windshield wipers and made the fluid come out, all over daddy! He played with the radio buttons and the whole shebang.

Look mom my first milk box... Well the first one we let him have control over. He did very well with it!

We have started a new trend... When we say " it's time to go night-night" he finds the closest pillow and lays down... It's the cutest thing ever!

Tuesday, November 27, 2007


We went home to Ohio for Thanksgiving and had a BALL! We celebrated my birthday with my bestest friends in the whole world. Owen had a great time with his grandparents and he finally met his Uncle Todd! Curt was there to teach Owen some bad tricks ;)
We had to leave early on Sunday, 5am, lets just say that Owen loves waking up at 4am ;) We however were not thrilled. We cannot wait to see everyone again for my favorite time of the year, Christmas!

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Trick or Treat

Owen is in Detroit for Halloween but his grandparents sent us these pictures... Hope you enjoy! Things are going great here but we cant wait to see Owen on Saturday. Kyle is well and I was offered a job at a middle school here. I'm trying to decide and will keep everyone posted!

Monday, October 15, 2007


Pictures from Jocelyn's other baby shower... Most the family made it down and it turned out beautiful!